Today's Catholic man has many commitments; from responsibilities to his family, to obligations in his workplace. There are constant calls on his time. How can he hope to have the time to join the Knights of Columbus and become an active member?
The most common response to an invitation to join our Order is, "I don't have much time to give to the Knights, so why should I join?" This is not a difficult question to answer when you consider how much time is 'required' of a Knight.
If you could give twenty four hours per year to the Knights of Columbus you could make a positive difference in your Church, family and community. Below is an illustration of how 24 hours per year can make you an active part of the Order. Even with this minimal commitment you can be an important part of our council, and reap the benefits membership has to offer you and your family.
If you could spend:
- Twelve hours per year reading the weekly parish bulletin, the state and local council newsletters, the Columbia magazine, and surfing the state and supreme council web sites.
- Two hours per year attending, with your family, a council prayer service at your parish.
- Two hours per year on a council sponsored church, community, family or youth project of your choosing. Four hours per year attending council meetings. Meetings last about an hour and are held twice a month, except when in conflict with Liturgical events (i.e., Christmas, Holy week).
- Four hours per year enjoying, with your entire family, a council social function such as a dinner, party or picnic.
That's only twenty four hours per year, which any of us can fit into our schedule. There are 8,760 hours in a year, by giving the Knights of Columbus twenty-four hours (less than .3 percent); you can be a better Catholic, a better father, a better husband and a better person.
Only 24 hours – to make a difference in your Church, family and community.